
Latest Wedding Trends | Flower Grandmas

Wedding trends come and go; some are memorable, many are not. The trends that seem to stay in our minds are those that are heartfelt and meaningful. We love it when couples involve pets and family members in their wedding ceremonies. Nothing melts our hearts faster than little kids dressed to the nines or a dog with a bow tie making its way down the aisle.

It’s no surprise then that we are head over heels for the latest wedding ceremony trend – Flower Grandmas. We have seen beautiful grannies grace the aisles at the Farm House, sprinkling flower petals in preparation for the bride’s arrival. There’s something so wholesome and sweet about involving the older generation in your wedding ceremony.

Bride embraces a flower grandma at her farm house wedding ceremony
A Flower Grandma makes for a memorable and heartfelt wedding celebration

A video went viral recently, showing two gorgeous grandmas walking down the aisle arm in arm, beaming with love and happiness. They joyfully scattered flower petals as the guests laughed and cried at such a special sight. Core memories were unlocked, and the pure delight of the moment set the scene for a memorable celebration.

At the Farm House, one of our favourite weddings of 2023, featured four gorgeous grannies in coordinating outfits, delighting the applauding guests with their flower toss. Kelly and Keenan began their ceremony with this beautiful ritual, and the joy continued through to the night.

Please enjoy these beautiful captures from their wedding, with the Flower Grandmas rightfully stealing the show.

grandmothers walk down the aisle as flower girls.

Wedding ceremony features flower grandmas walking down the aisle

Outdoor wedding ceremony features grandmothers as flower girls

Bride and groom embrace the flower grandmas at their outdoor farm house wedding

For more wedding ceremony ideas read our blog on how to create a memorable wedding ceremony.